Even if someone managed to grab this data on its way from point A to point B, it would be very difficult to trace the data back to you, because it looks like it came from the VPN server.

Why use a VPN? Here is a simple breakdown of the steps: Expanding the Mozilla analogy, it is like you hire a person to go to and from that store for you, wearing the dark coat and sunglasses. The information comes back through that same process. Then it sends them over the public internet to the website server. The VPN software on your end then sends those packets to VPN server at some destination point, decrypting that information. So, the VPN encrypts those request packets at the originating point (your home), hiding not only the data, but also the information about your originating IP address (again, your home). I like this analogy to explain how public your internet requests really are-people can see you walking from your house to the shop unless you use a VPN, which is like going to the shop at night wearing sunglasses and a dark coat via back alleys. When you type a web address into your browser (for our analogy that's like walking to the shop). On the other end of the road is the server, which is a shop you want to buy something from. On one end of the road is the client, which is like your house. “ For now, let's imagine that the web is a road. The MDN Web Docs site, formerly known as the Mozilla Developer Network (the fine folks who bring you the Firefox browser), have an excellent, simple breakdown of How the Web works : Once you are inside the bank website or app, on its secure server, you are mostly safe, but getting to and from that server, your information is vulnerable and unsafe.

Just one common example: if you are checking your bank or credit card information from that local cafe or your local library, it might not be that safe. Many services still send your information without any security measures at all. This means the internet is still, by design, largely insecure. Security of data was not the primary concern - getting it from point A to point B was, and still is, the main focus. If one network node failed, the information packet would move to another one. In those early days of connecting computer servers over long distances, users simply wanted to make sure data would keep flowing. The core idea involved moving data on top of what’s known as the Internet Protocol (IP), a set of rules that govern how packets move from one place to another.

The internet was designed to send packets of information (data) as efficiently as possible.